Sunday 29th June has finally come around, the weather was reasonable the turnout however was amazing. Rita and I had the privilege of welcoming over 120 Rotarians and partners to our Handover Lunch in Balgeddie House Hotel Glenrothes. A wonderful day was had by all, a great meal and some superb fun and fellowship. All had come along to see me finally take over from Clive, who will be a hard act to follow. The experience of the day will live with Rita and I for a long time to come. Only a few can relate to how it feels to have the chain of office placed on your shoulders, a very humbling experience indeed. The thrill of the day is something never to be forgotten and will cherished by Rita and I. Thank you all for putting your trust in me, I will be my privilege to lead this District in 2008-9 and to "Make Dreams Real"
(The picture shows Rita & I on the day)