Tuesday morning and Rita (on her first visit) and I set of for our trip to the North once again. This time we were heading for Nairn, mixed weather prevailed for most of the morning, however we did arrive on a lovely sunny morning. We were welcomed by President Dan Farrell an a few of the members to the lovely surroundings of the Golf View Hotel. The club are certainly dynamic in their Rotary work having just finished a weekend event held in the town that made a sizable sum of money, although nothing like their main event which is the Nairnshire Challenge and made the amazing sum of £45,000 last year the club are aiming a £50,000 this year. At the meeting were four prospective new members all of whom I am sure will be inducted into the club shortly. This club is certainly a jewel in the crown of our District, I look forward to working with them in this Rotary year.
(The picture shows Rita, yours truly and President Dan with many of the members)