Monday, 26 January 2009

School 4 All

It's me once more, as well as being busy with our Polio Campaign the other project close to my heart is our School 4 All project in Uganda. I have informed you all that we have a unique opportunity to really put our mark as a District on something immensely worth while and life changing for many. We have the opportunity to make that difference to over 2000 children who desperately need our help. As recently as Saturday I received pictures and information from our grants officer Cath Chorley detailing the requirements of our school Budaka FHP in the Pallisa District of Uganda. The current status is as follows Budaka FHP has 2,252 pupils and 26 teachers, like all of the schools Budaka FHP has poor and inadequate classroom blocks and is in a very poor state of repair. Classrooms are overcrowded having around 100-120 pupils per class with children seated on the floor. This has been one of the barriers witnessed to teaching inclusion of disabled children. Some children trek as long as five kilometres to school as a result of lack of transport facilities. Existing ramps are dangerously erected so much so that injury could be caused by them. Teachers have a lack of understanding about disability issues and inclusive education. Excluded children do not receive any support and therefore do not have access to education at all. Shortly our District International Chairman Ken Paterson will be updating you all as to the requirements. My thanks to all of the clubs that have already sent funds to District Treasurer. I would be grateful for all others committed to this project to send monies to Jim.

Polio Eradication

Just to refute any allegations of me having flown the country, no such luck I am still here and still busy. One area that requires my devoted attention is the coordination of this Districts commitment to the Gates Foundation $100,000000 Polio Challenge. I along with Stephen Chorley your Foundation Chairman are committed to ensuring that the clubs in this District play their part in ridding the world of this terrible disease. Those of you who attended our District Conference will know how I feel about this scourge that still exists. In any case the bottom line is we are committed to doing our level best to finish the job we began in 1983 and is now almost completed. Fellow Rotarian's I have given RI our commitment to provide $10,000 per year over the next three years to finish the job. Shortly you will see a Polio Goal chart appear on our website which will show where we are and where we need to be by the end of June. I am counting on you all to help me, these little children in India. Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan are counting on you, please don't let them down get your pledges and donations in to District Treasurer Jim as soon as you can. Lets MAKE DREAMS REAL and allow the children of the world to have a life.

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Rotary Club of Dundee Camperdown (Visit No 86)

Tuesday the 6th January saw me perform my final club visit to Rotary Club of Dundee Camperdown in the Invercarse Hotel Dundee. I was once again made very welcome by President Ron MacWalter and the members. Having recently had the pleasure of opening the clubs International Day it was indeed nice to be back with them. The Rotary Club of Dundee Discovery had a good turn out of members on a club visitation, they were my first club visit and here they were at my last one, gluttons for punishment possibly. After a very nice meal my address was well received and prompted a few questions. The club are certainly very busy at present doing many worthwhile projects within their local community and further afield. Shelter Box is a project that the club support enormously well with most of the funds raised at their International Day going to them.

(The picture shows yours truly and President Ron MacWalter)