Tuesday the 6th January saw me perform my final club visit to Rotary Club of Dundee Camperdown in the Invercarse Hotel Dundee. I was once again made very welcome by President Ron MacWalter and the members. Having recently had the pleasure of opening the clubs International Day it was indeed nice to be back with them. The Rotary Club of Dundee Discovery had a good turn out of members on a club visitation, they were my first club visit and here they were at my last one, gluttons for punishment possibly. After a very nice meal my address was well received and prompted a few questions. The club are certainly very busy at present doing many worthwhile projects within their local community and further afield. Shelter Box is a project that the club support enormously well with most of the funds raised at their International Day going to them.
(The picture shows yours truly and President Ron MacWalter)