(The picture shows Me, Anne Corrigan wife of PDG Ken, our host and Rita)
Another week in the hectic life of the DG, its a hard life especially when you have to travel to Jersey in the middle of spring!! Rita and I were delighted to have been invited as guests of District Governor David Fenwick and his wife Sheila from District 1100 down there in the South West corner of England. David being a fellow Scot invited all three of the Scottish District Governors and their partners, a Celtic take over. District 1100 have a few exiled Scots in their midst so needless to say a great weekend was had by all. The keynote speakers for the conference were none other than General Sir Mike Jackson and the noted corespondent and broadcaster Martin Bell who, I have to say are two of the most amazing speakers I have had the privilege to have listened to. A truly memorable weekend indeed with great fun and friendship that will be difficult to surpass.