Wednesday evening the 4th March saw me travel up to the North East corner of the District to Central Buchan for the Inaugural Meeting of the first new Rotary Club of this year. It is every District Governors dream to get a new club up and running in his or her year in office. The hard work of Past District Governors Bill Leslie, Bill Wood and Ron McKail came to fruition when the club finally was brought into the family of Rotary. Twenty four members were presented with their membership packs led by their first president Donald Taylor. The night was attended by over ninety Rotarians from all over the District with RIBI New Club Formation Officer PDG Tony Cotton travelling all the way from Birkenhead in Merseyside to be with us. As we were celebrating our new achievements so too was my counterpart District Governor Alan Jones was doing the same with the formation of his first new club in Cornwall. After an exchange of phone calls of congratulations we both received a call from RI Director Gordon McInally bringing congratulations from RI President DK Lee and Rotary International. A superb night of fun and fellowship was had by all, a night to remember.
(The picture shows yours truly PDG Bill Leslie and the members of Centreal Buchan)