Monday morning has dawned it is 7:30, another superb morning and Rita and I are off to Aberdeen for our first meeting of the week. We arrived at the Northern Hotel in Aberdeen to be greeted by President Ernie Forbes and many of the members of the Rotary Club of Aberdeen St Nicholas for their lunchtime meeting. Many of the members partners turned out to greet us and made us very welcome, especially Rita who had some great chat with many of the ladies. The club are certainly in good heart and found my address both interesting and inspiring. I was asked to erect the club's new plaque which is positioned in pride of place at the front door of the hotel. The club are finding it challenging to attract new members but are continuing to come up with some new untried ideas for recruitment. A very friendly and warm club who are definitely still enjoying Rotary.
(The picture shows Rita & I with President Ernie Forbes)