Well it's visit number 42, just one short of the halfway mark and I am back en route to the North but only as far as Brechin. The club meet in the Springfield House where I was greeted by President Stanley Callaghan and the members. A great turnout of member was the order of the evening even though a few of them had already heard my sermon! and came back for a second dose. After a nice dinner (still eating) President Stanley inducted a new member, their first of this year, also I am assured that this is the first of many. If the fun and fellowship of tonight's meeting was anything to go by I am positive this will be the case. My address was once again well received with a few questions being asked. The club are in great heart and are seeing a revitalisation, I am looking forward to seeing them progress their ambitious plans for this year. The evening was rounded off by my presenting a Presidential Citation to PP John Glaister who accepted on behalf of IPP Liz Howson.
(The picture shows yours truly and President Stanley)