My third visit of the week took me to a rather wind swept Tay coast to Carnoustie and the wonderful welcoming surroundings of the Station Hotel. The club have met there since they were formed back in 1956 I could understand why. The venue is one of the most welcoming I have had the pleasure to visit, the members were indeed very pleased to see me with President Hamish Leslie in the chair. The club have indeed got a new lease of life and are proud to boast four new members with a further four on the horizon, great news. After one of the best meals I have sampled (yes I have had a few and the waistline is still not expanding) my address was very warmly received. The club are committed to all things Rotary and is a shining example this year of "flying in the face of adversity" so to speak, keep up the good work guys. It will be my pleasure to work with you all.
(The picture shows President Hamish & yours truly)