My final visit this week took me to the Garvock House Hotel home of the Rotary Club of Dunfermline one of our oldest and larger clubs. With a great turn out from members plus a few visitors the evening proved to be very enjoyable indeed. I felt very at home amongst many familiar faces and friends made over the years. After my address it was great to hear the clubs newest member give her Vocational Talk which proved to be one of the best I have had the pleasure to hear. Jillian McKay will be I am sure a credit to the club, a young lady with a very definite passion for her chosen career. The club are once again in good spirit with much going on both locally and most certainly Internationally. President Tom Arnott is extremely enthusiastic about the clubs aspirations and projects and I am sure the club will have another superb year. Thank you all for a very enjoyable evening.
(The picture shows yours truly and President Tom)