It is still Tuesday and I have made my way up to Montrose for my final club visit of the week. Before attending the club meeting I visited the new premises of Rotarian Robert Ritchie the shop is magnificent to say the least, so if you are looking for Hi-Fi or TV this is the place to go. (there you go Robert a free plug) Once again on my arrival at the George Hotel the welcome was superb president John Fraser and many of the members were there to greet me. After the meal it was back on my feet for my address, which was followed by some questions from some of the members. The club are certainly very busy with much preparation for their local Christmas community event which is a Christmas Tree Competition which has proven to be very popular in the past with many amazing trees being entered. Of course the club are justly proud of the Nyambani Village Project run by Alison Stedman who has just returned from Kenya after seeing some of the families housed in their new houses in the village. Once again a superb club that District 1010 can be proud of.
(The picture shows SVP Alison Stedman, yours truly and President John Fraser)