Thursday lunch time and I am back at the Northern Hotel in Aberdeen for the meeting of The Rotary Club of Aberdeen St Machar. On arrival I was greeted by the smiling face of Jenny Shirreffs. After many introductions to many old and some new friends it was time to eat once more!! (I still can't believe the waistline is holding up) Those of you who have sampled the food in the hotel will know it is rather good. I had the company of President Alan Pirie and getting a second helping of my address PDG Bill Wood. The club are indeed in "fine fettle" as they say with lots of projects and initiatives on the go. Thank you all for your hospitality, I look forward to the evening of Thursday 23rd October when the club will host the joint clubs meeting for RIBI President Ian's vist. Please make the effort to attend this auspicious event, it will be a superb night of fun and fellowship.
(The picture shows President Alan and yours truly)