Monday evening saw us visit the Rotary Club of Huntly in the marvelous surroundings of the Castle Hotel set in the grounds of Huntly Castle. We were welcomed on arrival by President Raye Marcus and the members. The club though small are certainly involved at local and International level. They have embarked on a project to provide babies hats for UNICEF and had a target of 500 but are now closer to providing 5000. The hats are being knitted by volunteers within the local area. The members were pleased to have an update of what was expected this Rotary year and hoped they could rise to the many challenges. It was my pleasure to confer a much deserved honour on Rotarian Dr Roland Harvais who had previously been Treasurer for 11 years and still continues to work tirelessly for the club.
(The picture shows Rita, yours truly, Roland and President Raye)