The start of my Rotary Club visits this week began with The Rotary Club of Leven in the great surroundings of the Old Manor Hotel in Lundin Links. I was made to feel very welcome by President Al Fleming and all of the members, many of whom I have known for more years than I care to mention both in Rotary and Round Table. After a very nice meal I was just about to get to my feet to speak when President Al asked if there was any early leavers, most of the members got up to leave!!. Of course it was an organised prank by my old friend Rai Valente. After the fun finished I was asked to deliver my address, the club, I have to say have risen to the occasion and have agreed to pander to my wishes and say YES to me. A great evening with many old and some new friends, I am looking forward to working with the members throughout this Rotary year.
(The picture shows yours truly & President Al)