Wednesday has dawned and Rita and I are heading South for our visit to the Rotary Club of Stonehaven. On a lovely afternoon we arrived at the St Leonards Hotel and were greeted by President Jim Henderson and Vice President Wilma Bruce. After introductions to many of the members I was honoured to receive a cheque for £1500 for the Polio Plus initiative which was raised by the club from a single event, well done to all, a great gesture. I then had the honour of presenting IPP Mike with the Club's Presidential Citation for 2007-8 another great achievemet. Once more I delivered my address which was warmly received by all, after which I was told the club had also donated a sum of money to Schools 4 All project. They are indeed in great spirit and are continuing to develop with two new members due to be inducted. My congratulations to a great club in total tune with this years programme.
(The picture shows President Jim, yours truly and Rita)