Wednesday has arrived, after a late night of driving, some well earned rest, and some work it was time to visit one of my favourite places Perth. Once again it was the Royal George Hotel for the meeting of the Rotary Club of Perth St Johns. With a good turn out of members (even though I was speaking) I was formally introduced by President Neil Townend who welcomed me to the meeting. Food was beginning to look less inviting now, so I did not partake of much. The club welcomed my address and by all accounts found it interesting. Once again the club like most others are well and truly involved both locally and Internationally in many projects large and small. They have agreed to rise to all of the challenges in this Rotary year. Another good club with a busy agenda, with membership as a priority. The club members are looking forward to helping host the joint club meeting in October when RIBI President Ian visits Perth.
(The picture shows President Neil, yours truly and PE Ian Marr)